서버팅김현상 클라이언트단 해소법
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I had this problem and I found a fix that helped me after I tried everything else. You just go in command line on windows and type
netsh interface tcp show global
netsh interface tcp set global rss=enabled
netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal
Basically the first command shows you things that are disabled or enabled and things like hamachi can disable stuff which makes this error happen. the following two commands enables those settings and that’s what worked for me. Completely uninstalling hamachi won’t fix it because it left these settings changed even after uninstalling.(sorry about the typos also run cmd as admin)
윈도우에서 cmd창을 관리자 권한으로 열어주신 후
1. netsh interface tcp show global
2. netsh interface tcp set global rss=enabled
3. netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal
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